Guidelines for participants
Presentation formats
You are invited to submit an abstract for the following:
* Paper Session
* Symposium Session
* Poster Session
A conference attendee will be limited to present a maximum of two presentations (as first author) at the ATEE conference.
Parallel paper sessions will be 90 minutes with 3 or 4 paper presentations to allow for more interactive discussion time.
Symposium session will be 90 minutes with paper presentations and discussions organized by the symposium chair/s.
This will be done in the standard presentation format. The oral presentation should be delivered with a support of a slideshow. The presentations will be grouped by the common theme or topic organized into parallel paper sessions.
Symposia provide an opportunity for a comprehensive examination of a selected topic pertaining to conference theme. An ATEE 2020 symposium session should consist of 3 or 4 interconnected papers and discussions and will take 90 minutes. The symposium chair/s will decide how the symposium is to be organized and the time allotment for each presentation. It is recommended that at least two different countries/transnational perspectives are represented. The abstracts of all symposium presentations will need to be submitted to the conference organizers after the symposium has been accepted
A presenter is to use a printed poster pinned to a poster board (B1 format – 70 x 100 cm) to illustrate key aspects of their research. The presenter engages with interested participants on a one-to-one basis and discusses their research. Presenters are expected to bring the printed posters with them and provide the conference organizers with their posters at the Registration: 7 September 2020 (Monday) (between 8.30 and 16.30).